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Last week, I posted a sound file, Attempts at Whistling, an experiment with the amplification of the sounds my lips and mouth make mixed in with my whistling (note: I can't whistle.) If I were to place this work in a context, I imagine it paired with images of mouths and lips moving, in a room with a projector. This actually already reminds me of an existing work by Amanda Long, titled "Mixed Messages" - a wall created by hundreds of mouths moving and breathing, causing the wall to look as if it is breathing together. A bit different, but I imagine a similar effect in a way - I would like to have the visual of the mouth smacking, blowing, making gross noises. I wonder if being in a highly enclosed space, with no visual, and complete white might work as well.
With the video project, I imagine the context to simply be in a video room - I think some of the elements of the window and the light/line might make it interesting to project upon a geometric surface, or something angles, but I think it would be superficial to project it onto a surface that mimics the video, or in a space that replicates what happens in the video - the context would really have to enhance the viewing experience in some way, or become inseparable to the video as part of the project. In that sense, I can't imagine any other context than a black video room. Although it may be interesting to play with size - perhaps on a small LCD screen. If it was cut even better, I would put it on multiple small LCD screens, only showing the clips of the window and the train itself, leaving out the faces. Or perhaps the faces would be at the ends, creating a narrative about 2 different people on the train, on opposite ends.