What might be missing: Real exploration of artists who work in these mediums. Although we did some exploring on our own, I feel that artists who use new media really use it as their real medium - I know we are inexperienced (some of us) in this field and I would have really liked to have been able to think of a project that incorporated new media into our own work, as part of our process. Our final project addresses it in some ways, but it still would have been nice to see some new media art in the flesh, or explore artists more in depth. It also would have been nice to work with a projector, but I guess that would be too complicated.
What I would like to take a step further: Making a video, making sound, putting it all together. I want to continue to experiment with both of those mediums - I know what I've been shooting isn't the highest quality but I'd like to continue to see where it takes me. I've been making short videos on my phone of flickering lights in places around the city, and I like the idea of viewing them very small, online, in the middle of a blank page, or something. In terms of sound - after doing the teachable moment video for the other class - I'm a little more interesting in audio storytelling, and creating narratives for still images. This is something I'm exploring for the final.
What I would like to take a step further: Making a video, making sound, putting it all together. I want to continue to experiment with both of those mediums - I know what I've been shooting isn't the highest quality but I'd like to continue to see where it takes me. I've been making short videos on my phone of flickering lights in places around the city, and I like the idea of viewing them very small, online, in the middle of a blank page, or something. In terms of sound - after doing the teachable moment video for the other class - I'm a little more interesting in audio storytelling, and creating narratives for still images. This is something I'm exploring for the final.